

Fabulous Photos: Source Images Photography

Hello to you all, I hope you are all well today. today I am on my way back to Sheffield after a mini break in Cornwall. I’ve been here to visit my mum and to spend some time with Nik for our 2 year wedding anniversary. The weather hasn’t been great but it never is is it! But never mind it’s great to come back home and see my mum I don’t get to see her enough. She isn’t well at the moment and waiting for a kidney transplant so it’s been lovely to catch up with her and spend some time.

So onto today’s Fabulous Photo. It’s from one of my favorite photographers Source Images. Source are a husband and wife team Jordan and Ines, and the photo is actually of them on their wedding day! I’ve had the pleasure of meeting them both and they are such an amazing couple, so much life and love for each other! and such a delight to be around! anyone booking them for their wedding is in for a treat!

Source Images
Their wedding took place in Dubrovnik on  15th September 2009.  Ines told me ‘we chose Dubrovnik because all of my friends and family were there and it was going to be nearly impossible to get them to Guatemala or Morocco. Our other two choices.  And all the English agreed that they would love to come to Dubrovnik and make a holiday out of it. I wore: Black one off original from the House of Ines (fancy way of saying homemade). I always wanted to have a black wedding dress. Since I was 15 . It was made from scratch. I spotted big fluffy tulle underskirt on one of the wedding fairs I’ve did and bought it the same day. Part one done! Corset was difficult one but I finally manage to find it in agent provocateur three weeks before the wedding. Part two done! And the top bit of the skirt (train)was handmade by a lovely seamstress Joanne who lives just down the road from us. She couldn’t believe I left it a week before my flight to Croatia!’

I just love this picture and of course the dress! Ines is truelly stunning, not just in this picture but in real life as well. You HAVE to check out their whole wedding, it is truelly stunning the wedding that rock star weddings are made off……..the full shoot can be seen HERE

For more information on Source Images photography services go to:
[email protected]
T. 01628 770669 M. 07810 714400

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